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Nature's Breath, carried out a clean-up and sensitization campaign at mile 16- Bolifamba-Buea

Today, 5th of August 2023, Nature's Breath (NAB-NGO), carried out a clean-up and sensitization campaign at mile 16- Bolifamba-Buea. The target for today’s exercise was to remove plastics and other debris that had pilled up around the bridge and the river therein.

This exercise was carried out in the early hours of Saturday morning and lasted for 3 hours with sensitization campaign on waste and plastic disposal.

Truth is our ocean,seas, lakes, rivers and streams sustain abundant lives which can feed a billion people a healthy meal forever but now they are being filled by non biodegradable plastic. especially plastic bottles which end up killing these water creatures.

The mile 16 bridge, If you are familiar with that area, you would have noticed a pile of plastic bottles surrounding that area caused mostly by the heavy rains in recent times .

It would interest you to know that due to the heavy rains last week, there was flood in that same area which destroyed inhabitants properties .

Plastic even after hundred of years it breaks down into small pieces but those pieces even the tiny onces called microplastic are still pieces.

If you don't like what non biodegradable plastic are doing to our world brace yourself and join us fight plastic pollution.

Yes we have to collectively come together and reduce plastic pollution in our community and on our water bodies.Together, Let’s #Beatplasticpollution


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